Research Nester Private Limitedは、スマート空港市場の予測評価を提供する調査レポートを2020年9月 16日 に発刊しました。これは、スマート空港市場の成長ドライバー、市場機会、課題、脅威など、いくつかの主要な市場ダイナミクス強調しています。
As commuters become more technologically sophisticated and connected, the combination of technology and data has entered an "Airport 3.0" revolution that is transforming airport operations. Digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data and analytics, smart machines and robots, virtual modeling and simulation, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are operating at smart airports. Cloud computing makes airports more responsive and makes it easier to create new solutions. Analysis and virtual modeling, on the other hand, help monitor passenger flow.
The reports are: by technology (security systems, communication systems, passengers, cargo, and baggage ground processing control, aviation / ground traffic control, etc.), by application (aviation and non-aviation), by location (landside), Further overview of segmentation and detailed analysis of its subsegments by airside (airside, terminalside) and size (small, medium, large). The smart airport market is expected to achieve a significant CAGR during the forecast period of 2020-2028.
Increasing use of self-service technology and emerging needs for real-time information
Research Nester Private Limited会社概要
Research Nester Private Limitedは、戦略的な市場調査とコンサルティングの大手サービスプロバイダーです。業界を支援するために、公平で比類のない市場洞察と業界分析を提供することを目指しています。また、業界が将来のマーケティング戦略、拡張、投資について賢明な決定を下せるようにも支援します。